Thursday, January 28, 2010

Velonauts ride again?

Velonauts arise! Let's shoot for a ride/discussion on velonaut details this weekend. Saturday and Sunday are pretty open for everyone, it would be nice to possibly meet at the farmers' market, have a short jaunt to Ftn. Square and possibly do the Ft. Harrison Ride sans the White River Trail, shorter, but we can get to those hills much quicker, maybe take a couple laps up and down. Anyway, let Eric know, thus far Charlie, Brian and Jake have responded with a willingness to ride.

Dress warm, should be a blistering 24 degrees on Saturday w/ some sun in the afternoon.

Charlie also may be able to have his *new bike ready to ride.

*it's a 1980 Trek 414, so though technically not new, new to him and very nice indeed.


  1. maybe we could visit a car wash and wash our bikes. mine is filthy

  2. car wash is an excellent idea. How does noon-ish sound for meeting up?
