Sunday, February 14, 2010


Maybe I'm crazy, but thus far I've found nothing as good lookin' as bars w/ shellac. I've done the Sekine in cotton w/ shellac which not only makes the aesthetic of the bars much nicer, it actually weather-proofs it as well, with many people finding there to be no need to replace more than once every 10 years or so. I've recently tried shellac with some white "cork" gel tape from Torelli on the Trek above, I think they turned out nice.


  1. How does that felt on the hands though? I would imagine it getting slimy/greasy in the summer.

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  3. It feels good, a little bit goes a long way, especially w/ the gel tape. If you put too many coats on, it can definitely become slippery. It doesn't tend to get slimy or greasy unless of course you have slimy or greasy hands.

  4. I've had good luck with the cork and shellac coating. A few wear spots around the hoods but otherwise works great. I used Amber shellac. It resembles a rich leather wrap afterwards.
